4月17日 每日經歷神


標  題: 沒人能禁止你

經  節: 其中惟有嫩的兒子約書亞和耶孚尼的兒子迦勒仍然存活。(民數記十四章38節)




No One Can Prevent You

But Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh remained alive,
of the men who went to spy out the land. (Numbers 14:38)

The decisions and disobedience of others will not cancel God’s will for
you. Other people’s actions will affect you, but no one can prevent what God
wants to do in and through you. Joshua and Caleb trusted God and yet were
forced to wander in a wilderness for forty years because of the fear and
disbelief of others.

Have you ever felt that someone was thwarting God’s will for you?
Perhaps someone kept you from getting a job or earning a promotion. Perhaps the
government would not approve your application or a committee disagreed with
your recommendation. Do you believe that mere man can stop God from
accomplishing His purposes in your life?

God did everything He intended to do in the lives of Joshua and Caleb.
His primary assignment for them had not been to enter the Promised Land but
rather to serve as godly leaders for their people. Joshua and Caleb could not
lead the people if they were in the Promised Land by themselves while the
people were still wandering in the wilderness! God kept these leaders in a
position where they could exert a godly influence upon their nation, and, as a
result, they became models of spiritual leadership for generations to come.
Even so, God ultimately brought Caleb and Joshua into the Promised Land just as
He had said. They had been delayed but not thwarted. Be assured of this: No one
can hinder God from carrying out His plans for your life. Once God sets
something in motion, no one can stop it (Isa. 46:11).

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