10月1日 每日經歷神


標  題:痛苦的提醒

經  節:但有些猶太人從安提阿和以哥念來,挑唆眾人,就用石頭打保羅,以為他是死了,便拖到城外。(使徒行傳十四章19節)





Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there; and having persuaded the multitudes,
they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead.
(Acts 14:19)

has many ways to deter us from sin. One is to provide reminders for us so that
we never take disobedience to Him lightly. Before his conversion, Paul assumed
that he was righteous before God. In reality, Paul was so disoriented to God that
he arrested and executed Christians in order to please Him! Paul was so blinded
to God’s will that when he watched Stephen being brutally murdered for his
faith, Paul’s heart was hardened, and he became even more determined to
imprison other Christians.

is significant that there are two occurrences of stoning mentioned in the New
Testament—Stephen’s and Paul’s. Was it coincidence that God allowed Paul to be
stoned in the same manner as Stephen had been? God had certainly forgiven Paul
for his involvement in Stephen’s death, but God also left him with a reminder
of what his arrogance had led him to do. If pride could blind Paul to God once,
pride could do it again. Perhaps Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” was a direct
result of this stoning. It may have served as a visible reminder to Paul, and
to others, of the terrible consequences of sin.

is absolutely just. He loves, and He forgives, but He does not compromise His
righteousness. God deals with us uniquely. He draws upon our experiences to
teach us about Himself. God will forgive us of our sin, but He may provide
stark reminders of the ugliness of sin. Let us thank God that He loves us
enough to remind us of the destructive consequences of sin in our lives.

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