2月12日 每日經歷神


標  題: 違背律法就是罪

經  節: 凡犯罪的,就是違背律法;違背律法就是罪。(約翰一書三章4節)


Is Lawlessness

commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. (1 John 3:4)

It is a dangerous thing to live your life
without a spiritual “plumb line,” or standard, by which you determine right
from wrong. God’s Word is that plumb line. Spiritual laws, like physical laws,
are meant to protect you, not restrict you. You may exercise your freedom to
challenge the laws of electricity, but to do so can bring you death. Likewise,
you will not break God’s laws, they will break you. God established absolute
moral and spiritual laws that we are free to ignore, but we do so at our own
peril. These laws are timeless. Culture does not supersede them. Circumstances
do not abrogate them. God’s laws
are eternal, and they will save you from death if you follow them.

You may feel that God’s laws restrict and
bind you.

On the contrary,
God’s Word protects you from death (Rom. 6:23). For example, when God said that
you are not to commit adultery, He wanted to free you to experience the fullest
pleasure of a marriage relationship. Furthermore, He knew the devastating
heartache that would come to you, your spouse, your children, your relatives,
your friends, and your church family if you broke this law. How important the
laws of God are for your life! Without them, you would be robbed of the
delights God has in store for you. Sin is choosing a standard other than God’s
law on which to base your life. If you are measuring your life by that of your
neighbors, or society at large, then you are basing your life on lawlessness,
and lawlessness is sin.

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