10月29日 每日經歷神


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經  節:那時,敬畏耶和華的彼此談論,耶和華側耳而聽,且有紀念冊在祂面前,記錄那敬畏耶和華、思念祂名的人。(瑪拉基書三章16節)




Lord Hears

those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, And the LORD listened and heard
them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him For those who fear the LORD
And who meditate on His name. (Malachi 3:16)

has designed His kingdom so that Christians with kindred spirits join together.
It is exciting when you find another Christian who shares the same concerns and
burdens that you do! Often, God will graciously bring another believer
alongside you who will undergird you in the work and concerns God has placed on
your heart. God releases a powerful dimension of His presence to His children
when they unite in heart and mind regarding His kingdom. The Bible says that
when two or more Christians meet and reverently discuss matters concerning the
Lord, God is pleased to listen to them and to respond to their concerns. When
two or three believers agree in prayer, God chooses to respond to their unity
by making His powerful presence known in their midst (Matt. 18:19–20). When two
people walked together and discussed the confusing events of Christ’s
crucifixion, Jesus joined them and helped them understand the events of their
day (Luke 24:13–32).

you are carrying concerns about your family or your church or your friends, ask
God to bring like-minded believers around you to share the burden with you in
conversation and in prayer. Don’t attempt to bear your load of cares on your
own. You may pray about them, but you will miss the blessing of uniting
together with a group of believers who join together to intercede for one
another and to enjoy God’s presence. Everything God has woven into the fabric
of His kingdom promotes interdependence, not individualism. As you face your
concerns, deliberately seek out other believers with whom you can stand and
share your load.

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