12月13日 每日經歷神


標  題:神的啟示就是祂的邀請

經  節:主耶和華若不將奧秘指示祂的僕人——眾先知,就一無所行。(阿摩司書三章7節)





Revelation Is His Invitation

the Lord GOD does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the
prophets. (Amos 3:7)

spend much time talking about “seeking God’s will,” as though it were hidden
and difficult to find. God does not hide His will. His will is not difficult to
discover. We do not have to plead with God to reveal His will to us. He is more
eager to reveal His will than we are willing to receive it. We sometimes ask
God to do things He has already done!

people in Amos’s day became disoriented to God and to His desires. God had
revealed His will; the problem was that they had not recognized it or obeyed
it. Amos declared that God does nothing in the affairs of humanity without
seeking one of His servants to whom He will reveal His activity. Tragically,
there are times when no one is walking closely enough with Him to be receptive
to His word (Isa. 59:16; 63:5; Ezek. 22:30–31).

walked so intimately with His Father that He was always aware of what the
Father was doing around Him (John 5:19–20). Jesus said that if our eyes are
pure, they will see God and recognize His activity (Matt. 6:22). If we are not
seeing God’s activity, the problem is not a lack of revelation. The problem is
that our sin prevents us from noticing it.

God is working in your child’s life or when He is convicting your coworker, He
may reveal His activity to you. His revelation is His invitation for you to
join Him in His redemptive work. Be alert to God’s activity around you. He will
reveal His activity to His servants. If your spiritual eyes are pure, you will
be overwhelmed by all that you see God doing around you!

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