4月3日 每日經歷神


標  題: 復活的主

經  節: 祂的頭與發皆白,如白羊毛,如雪;眼目如同火焰;腳好像在爐中鍛煉光明的銅;聲音如同眾水的聲音。(啟示錄一章1415節)




The Risen Lord

His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes
like a flame of fire; His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a
furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters. (Revelation 1:14-15)

At times it is tempting to conclude: “If only I could have walked with
Jesus, as the twelve disciples did, it would be so much easier to live the
Christian life!” This thought reveals that we do not comprehend the greatness
of the risen Christ we serve today. The Jesus of the Gospels is often portrayed
as One who walked along the seashore, loving children and gently forgiving
sinners. Yet the image of Jesus that we see at the close of the New Testament
is far more dramatic! He stands in awesome power as He rules all creation. His
appearance is so magnificent that when John, His beloved disciple, sees Him, he
falls to the ground as though he were dead (Rev. 1:17).

We grossly underestimate the God we serve! To ignore God’s word or to
disobey a direct command from Him is to ignore the magnificent nature of
Christ. Our fear of other people proves that we do not understand the awesome
Lord who walks with us. The Christ we serve today is the Lord of all creation.
He is vastly more awesome and powerful than the gentle rabbi we often imagine.

If you struggle with your obedience to Christ, take a closer look at how
He is portrayed in the Book of Revelation. If you are succumbing to temptation,
call upon the powerful One who dwells in you. If you have forgotten how great
and mighty the Lord is, meet Him through the vision of the beloved disciple.
The encounter will dramatically affect the way you live!

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