8月5日 竭誠為主

85 令人迷惘的呼召





August 5 The Baffling Call Of God

And all things that are written by the prophets
concerning the Son of Man shall be accomplished . . . And they understood none
of these things.” Luke 18:31, 34

God called Jesus Christ to what seemed unmitigated disaster. Jesus
Christ called His disciples to see Him put to death; He led every one of them
to the place where their hearts were broken. Jesus Christ’s life was an
absolute failure from every standpoint but God’s. But what seemed failure from
man’s standpoint was a tremendous triumph from God’s, because God’s purpose is
never man’s purpose.

There comes the baffling call of God in our lives also. The call of God
can never be stated explicitly; it is implicit. The call of God is like the
call of the sea, no one hears it but the one who has the nature of the sea in
him. It cannot be stated definitely what the call of God is to, because His
call is to be in comradeship with Himself for His own purposes, and the test is
to believe that God knows what He is after. The things that happen do not
happen by chance, they happen entirely in the decree of God. God is working out
His purposes.

If we are in communion with God and recognize that He is taking us into
His purposes, we shall no longer try to find out what His purposes are. As we
go on in the Christian life it gets simpler, because we are less inclined to
say – Now why did God allow this and that? Behind the whole thing lies the
compelling of God. “There’s a divinity that shapes our ends.” A Christian is
one who trusts the wits and the wisdom of God, and not his own wits. If we have
a purpose of our own, it destroys the simplicity and the leisureliness which
ought to characterize the children of God.

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