
马可福音 14:1~11


  • 犹大的动机很复杂因为他本身是一个复杂的角色。他贪婪,从公款偷钱来满足自己;他欺骗,在克西马尼园里设圈套陷害耶稣;他嫉妒;他有野心,他希望耶稣建立政治王国,自己当财政部长;他恐惧,看自己计画摇摇欲坠,背叛就成了他最后的救命稻草。
  • 这几点本身都不算什么:比如野心,比如嫉妒。这些都还算是小事。但是,就是这些很小的缝隙,就可以让那恶者进来,利用我们造成冲突,分裂和毁灭。
  • 犹大向我们展现了一个把欲望当作偶像敬拜的人是什么样的。我们很容易把欲望理想化,总想要以我们的方式,实现我们想法。他给上帝定了一个计划表,并不惜一切代价的去实现他的计划。
  • 在犹大眼里耶稣是一项事业,是一个理想。人对耶稣气愤,是因为耶稣不认同他们所认为的真理那么当耶稣的教导让你感到不安的时候,你不应该放弃他,而是要放弃自己错误的想法。
  • 女人膏抹耶稣的见証让我们看到,我们要把耶稣当作一个人来荣耀,而不是把他当作一项事业。与犹大成为鲜明的对比,马利亚的慷慨、公开的敬拜主、谦卑和无比的委身是值得我们学习的。
  • 个人财富,政治权利还有名声,是犹大的追求。如果我们离开基督,也去追求那些东西,那我们的心里永远都不会有平安。在这段经文里,我发现犹大一个完全不一样的秘密。这个秘密对于我来说,不是为什么他那样对待耶稣。这个秘密对我来说,是他为什么从来都没有让耶稣进入他的生命,他拒绝了耶稣的邀请。

Judas: Blinded  by Desire  

  • People have often been intrigued by the complexity of Judas’ motives. If you study Judas, you’ll come up with at least five or six reasons why he was such a complex character. Such as Covetousness; Deceit; Jealousy; Ambition and fear.
  • Some of those things can look petty.  It only takes a crack to allow the evil one to come in and begin to use us to bring conflict, division, and destruction.
  • Judas portrays the idolatry of our desires. It is easy to idealize our desires and want ourway.
  • Judas saw Jesus as a cause instead of as the Christ. He saw Christ as a cause instead of as aperson. If you want to really learn from Christ and he tells you something unsettling, you won’t throw him out.  You’ll throw your wrong thoughts out.
  • Jesus invited him to be his follower. Jesus took him as one of the twelve. He prayed overhim. He taught him in secret when no other ears could hear, just those twelve. He entrusted him with their finances. He washed his feet. He even gave him the privileged piece of bread at the Last Supper.
  • Jesus did everything to say to this man, “Open your heart.” And the mystery to me is that he said no.

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