
箴言 6:6~8, 马太福音 6:19~20

关于储蓄,理财规划师会把恐惧放在你的心中,好像总有一天,一些可怕的事情会临到你的。当你被灾难打击的时候,没有人会救你的,只好孤军奋战。不是的,我们储存要有智慧(箴6:8)。储蓄的动机不是担心和神经紧张, 我们的动机是智慧。遇到灾难不会孤单的。神会和你一起从其中走过来。为自己有一点积蓄,要在一个智慧的灵里去作。


关于投资,一般留意数字的人的想法是:这件事您必需要做的,你需要投入一定数量的资金,你需要获得某个?目的成长率。马太福音6: 19 – 20是说,不要把你的心投入在你的投?基金里面,而是你在天上的投资基金。

关于给予,当你给的时候,你所获得的更多。你知道,当你给的时候 ,有一些好品格从你的里面释放收出来吗?当你给的时候,你祝福了在这个破碎的世界里的某一个人吗?真的有人得到了你的帮助,也有一些好事发生在你的心里面,而且你让神在这一切里面得到了荣耀。


With regard to our savings, financial planners will put the fear in you that some terrible thing is likely to befall you someday. Why do you need savings? Because, they say, you’re not going to make it through this life without a catastrophe of some sort.

Straight from the mouth of Jesus. Matthew 6:19-20, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on Earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.”

Mere math people, just financial planner types, they say it’s not smart to give.

Our giving brings the blessing of God.

I wonder if you’re still on that math only mindset that calls giving stupid. Or are you on that beyond the math mindset where you say: God, I want to be on your program; I want to be a beyond the math man or beyond the math woman for the rest of my life and do it your way.

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