10月28日 每日经历神


标  题:历史

经  节:你们这追求公义、寻求耶和华的,当听我言!你们要追想被凿而出的磐石,被挖而出的岩穴。(以赛亚书五十一章1节)






to Me, you who follow after righteousness, You who seek the LORD: Look to the
rock from which you were hewn, And to the hole of the pit from which you were
dug. (Isaiah 51:1)

Christians, we ought never to overlook our heritage. An awareness of our
Christian heritage helps us to understand our identity, and it gives us a sense
of where God is leading us. The Israelites had a rich heritage. Their nation
began as a result of Abraham and Sarah’s faithfulness. The generations that
followed included Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph as their faithful leaders. God
richly blessed His people and made them prosper. God continued to show favor on
the Israelites by leading them out of Egypt into a prosperous land of their
own. God established His nation through some of the most awesome miracles in
history. God continued to provide strong leaders, such as Moses, Joshua,
Gideon, Deborah, Samuel, David, and Solomon. He sent mighty prophets such as
Elijah, Isaiah, and Jeremiah. Unfortunately, in Isaiah’s day, God’s people had
reached a point where they had forgotten their heritage. They lived as
spiritual paupers rather than as heirs to a rich heritage and members of a
royal priesthood.

spiritual heritage is even richer than that of Isaiah’s generation. Your
spiritual ancestors include Mary the mother of Jesus, John the Baptist, the
disciples, the apostle Paul, and a host of saints down through the ages. Even
more important, you look to Jesus as the author and finisher of your faith
(Heb. 12:2). You may have a family history of faithfulness that goes back
several generations.

you see the full picture of God’s redemptive work? God’s plan involves you, just
as it has included each Christian throughout the centuries. God wants you to
participate in His continuing work to redeem a lost world. Your obedience today
will provide a legacy of faithfulness to the generations that follow.

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