12月4日 每日经历神


标  题:嫩芽

经  节:他在耶和华面前生长如嫩芽,像根出于干地。(以赛亚书五十三章2节)





Tender Plant

For He
shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, And as a root out of dry ground.
(Isaiah 53:2)

coming of Jesus was like a tender plant in the midst of a parched ground.
Parched ground offers little hope for survival; it is dry and too hardened to
allow most plants to penetrate its crust. Yet Jesus was prophesied as a tender
plant that would break through the hostile soil and overcome the dry and
lifeless environment in order to bring life.

Jesus was born, His people were hardened to God’s Word. There is no written
record of God’s having spoken to His people for four hundred years. The
religious leaders of Jesus’ day had studied and memorized the Scriptures, but
the words were lifeless to them. So hostile had they become to the truth that
when God’s Son came to them, they killed Him. Nevertheless, despite the enmity
of the people, Jesus brought life to all who believed in Him.

is capable of bringing life to any person, society, or culture no matter how
hardened or hostile they have become to the gospel. Even the most calloused
sinner will discover that Jesus knows how to penetrate the heart and bring life
where there was only bitterness. The work of Jesus in a person’s life may seem
fragile at first, but like the mustard seed, it will eventually grow into
something strong.

you pray for someone you care about, don’t be discouraged if this person has
not responded to Jesus. Just as a tender plant finds a way to grow in a hard
and unreceptive environment, so the love of Jesus has the ability to emerge in
a life that seems completely unresponsive.

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