7月31日 每日经历神


标  题:神的同在

经  节:你平生的日子,必无一人能在你面前站立得住。我怎样与摩西同在,也必照样与你同在;我必不撇下你,也不丢弃你。(约书亚记一章5节)





No man
shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with
Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you. (Joshua

assignment for Joshua might have caused him some concern. Being the successor
to Moses was no small task. Through Moses, God had turned the waters in Egypt
into blood, parted the Red Sea, destroyed the Egyptian army, and miraculously
fed the nation for forty years. God spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai and gave him
His law. Joshua must have wondered how he could follow Moses.

erase any doubt, God assured Joshua that Moses’ accomplishments had all been
due to God’s presence. Joshua grew confident because the same God who walked
with Moses now walked with him (Josh. l:6).

you read the accounts of God’s miraculous work through men and women in the
Bible, you may wonder if God still performs such miracles today. Be assured
that the same God who walked with Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Peter, James, John,
and Paul now lives within you. No power can defeat the God who guides you. The
God who blessed them is just as capable of working out His purposes through
your life. The same God who gave them victory over seemingly invincible
enemies, who provided for them when their own resources were insufficient, and
who guided them in their decisions, is prepared to work as powerfully in your
life today. The heroes of the faith had one thing in common: They were all
ordinary people with no power of their own. The difference is the mighty
presence of God. Times may change, but the effect of God’s presence remains the

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