8月18日 每日经历神


标  题:日用饮食

经  节:我们日用的饮食,今日赐给我们。(马太福音六章11节)




Daily Bread

“Give us this day our daily bread.” (Matthew 6:11)

Jesus often reminded His followers not to worry. He told them not to be
anxious about tomorrow’s needs or potential problems (Matt. 6:25). Rather,
Jesus stressed a daily reliance on the Father, who provides for His children
day by day.

As the Israelites wandered in the desert, they had no way to get food.
Miraculously, God provided manna that appeared on the ground each morning.
God’s provision was sufficient for one day at a time. Each day the children of
Israel received fresh manna as a tangible reminder of God’s love for them. If
they attempted to store it for the days to come, they found that it had spoiled
by the next day. It was impossible to stockpile God’s provision, because God
wanted them to trust in Him, not in their pantry. God’s grace was sufficient
for each day.

God wants us to trust Him daily with our needs. This trust does not make
us poor planners or careless with our futures, unprepared to face what may come.
Rather, it keeps our relationship with the Lord in its proper perspective as He
reminds us daily of our dependence upon Him. God is aware of what tomorrow will
bring and how we should prepare for it. He knows the problems we will face, and
He has already made provision for us to overcome them. He asks us to trust in
Him daily. Our faith in Him today cannot substitute for our trust in Him
tomorrow. If we walk with Him closely today, we will be in the center of His
will tomorrow.

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