12月17日 每日经历神


标  题:分恩赐

经  节:因为我切切地想见你们,要把些属灵的恩赐分给你们,使你们可以坚固。(罗马书一章11节)






For I
long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, so that you may
be established. (Romans 1:11)

life affects those you have contact with, whether you intend it or not. It may
be a positive experience for them or a negative one, but your life will affect
others. Paul wanted to leave a spiritual blessing with other believers. He had
heard of the Christians in Rome, and he longed to go to them to build them up
in their faith. Paul always mentioned the Roman believers in his prayers, even
though he had never met them (Rom. 1:10). While he waited for an opportunity to
visit Rome, Paul wrote a letter to the church. His letter to the Romans is one
of the most cherished and challenging books in the New Testament.

should share Paul’s goal of leaving a spiritual blessing with everyone around
us. We have opportunities to strengthen our parents, our children, our friends,
our coworkers, and our fellow Christians. Spiritual blessings are not given
haphazardly, but by choice. Our self-centeredness may cause us only to seek
blessings from others rather than to impart them. Only when we are determined
to focus on giving a blessing rather than receiving a blessing will we have the
quality of ministry to others that God gave to Paul.

may not realize it, but your life has the potential to bless everyone you
encounter. Are others strengthened and encouraged in their faith because of
their relationship with you? Do you usually look at others in terms of what
they can do for you or in terms of how you can encourage them? As you go about
your day, strive to be a positive influence on everyone you encounter!

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