3月16日 每日经历神


标  题: 站在你的守望所!

经  节: 我要站在守望所,立在望楼上观看,看耶和华对我说什么话,我可用什么话向祂诉冤。(哈巴谷书二章1节)




Your Watch!

will stand my watch and set myself on the rampart, and watch to see what He
will say to me, and what I will answer when I am corrected. (Habakkuk 2:1)

The watchman’s job was vital. An
approaching army left residents of an ancient city precious little time to flee
or to prepare for battle. Everyone’s life depended on the alert watchman as he
peered into the horizon for the earliest glimpse of an approaching threat. It
was critical that the people be alerted as soon as possible to what was coming.

As a Christian, God places you as a
watchman for yourself, your friends, your family, and your church family. It is
essential that you be attentive to what God is saying. It may be that a friend
is in crisis and needs God’s word. As you study your Bible, God may choose to
give you words of encouragement to share with your friend. It may be that as
your children face difficult challenges, God will speak to you as you pray and
reveal how you can help them. If you are spiritually alert, you may receive a
warning from God that addresses specific dangers that those around you are

If you are careless, on the other hand,
your family may be struggling, but the answers God has for them will go
unheard. If you are oblivious to God’s message, those around you may miss the
encouraging promise from God that He wanted to share through you. God holds His
watchmen accountable for their diligence (Ezek 33:6). Strive to be attentive to
every word that comes to you from God. Your diligence will benefit you and
those around you as you heed God’s warnings and follow His commands.

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