3月27日 每日经历神


标  题: 太迟啦!

经  节: 第三次来,对他们说:“现在你们仍然睡觉安歇吗?够了,时候到了。”(马可福音十四章41节上)







He came the third time and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and
resting? It is enough!” (Mark 14:41a)

is enough!” How these words from the Master stung the disciples! They were
given the opportunity to share a sacred moment with Jesus. They failed Him.
This time, not even Peter had an answer for Jesus.

Jesus forgave them, and they went on to
experience God working powerfully through their lives, but that unique moment
with their Lord was lost. The angels had comforted the Savior on that lonely
night as He prepared for the cross, not the disciples. Scripture indicates that
the disciples later became diligent in prayer, but the memory of that night
would remain with them for the rest of their lives.

Like the disciples, you receive unique
opportunities to serve your Lord. There are times when Jesus will ask you to
join Him as He is at work in the life of your friend, family, or coworker. If
you are preoccupied with your own needs, you will miss the blessing of sharing
in His divine activity.

God is gracious; He forgives, and He
provides other opportunities. He will even use our failings to bring about
good, but it is critical that we respond in obedience to every prompting from
God. God does not need our obedience; He has legions of angels prepared to do
His bidding when we fail Him. The loss is ours as we miss what God wants to do
in our lives.

Respond immediately when God speaks to
you. His will for you is perfect, and it leads to abundant life.

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