5月25日 每日经历神


标  题:伤痛的祷告

经  节:耶稣极其伤痛,祷告更加恳切,汗珠如大血点滴在地上。(路加福音廿二章44节)





The Agony of Prayer

And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then
His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground. (Luke

Prayer is not difficult to understand. It is
difficult to do. When was the last time your heart so grieved for those you
were interceding for that your entire body agonized along with your mind and
heart? (Heb. 5:7).

We are a generation that avoids pain at all costs.
This is why there are so few intercessors. Most Christians operate on the
shallowest levels of prayer, but God wants to take us into the deep levels of
intercessory prayer that only a few ever experience. Deep, prolonged
intercession is painful. It involves staying before God when everyone else has
gone away or sleeps (Luke 22:45). It involves experiencing brokenness with the
Father over those who continually rebel against Him. How many of us will
experience this kind of fervent intercession?

We long for Pentecost in our lives and in our
churches, but there is no Pentecost without Gethsemane and a cross. How do we
become mature in our prayer life? By praying. When we do not feel like praying
is precisely the time we ought to pray. There are no shortcuts to prayer. There
are no books to read, seminars to attend, or inspirational mottoes to memorize
that will transform us into intercessors. This comes only by committing
ourselves to pray and then doing so.

Why not accept God’s invitation to become an
intercessor? Don’t allow yourself to become satisfied with shallow, self-centered
praying. Stay with God in prayer until He leads you to pray at the level He

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