9月16日 每日经历神


标  题:大蒙眷爱

经  节:你初恳求的时候,就发出命令,我来告诉你,因你大蒙眷爱;所以你要思想明白这以下的事和异象。(但以理书九章23节)



Much Beloved

At the beginning of your supplications the command
went out, and I have come to tell you, for you are greatly beloved; therefore
consider the matter, and understand the vision. (Daniel 9:23)

For you are beloved.” Could there be any words from
God more welcome than these? Daniel was in exile in Babylon as a result of his
nation’s utter defeat by the Babylonians. He desperately wanted to make sense
of his circumstances. So he did what he had done so many times before: he
prayed. God immediately dispatched the angel Gabriel. Gabriel revealed that God
had sent him to Daniel at the beginning of his supplications. God did not even
wait for Daniel to finish his prayer. Why? Because God loved Daniel greatly.
What a marvelous testimony! There had been times when Daniel’s love for God had
been put to the test. Now, when Daniel was in need, God was quick to respond in
love to him.

God wants to answer the prayers of those whose
hearts are completely His (2 Chron. 16:9). God can accurately orient you to the
events of your day. Media, public opinion, and political leaders cannot tell
you the truth of your circumstances. Only God can. God loves you and will speak
to you in His time. His answer may come immediately as it did in Daniel’s case,
or it may be delayed, but it will come (Dan. 10:13). If it seems as though
everything is crumbling around you, and you wonder why you do not see God
s activity, take comfort in knowing that you are
loved in heaven.

If you are genuinely seeking God’s answers, you can
go to your Father confidently with your questions. He will respond to you in
love (Luke 11:5–13).

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