10月25日 竭诚为主


 “向什么样的人,我就作什么样的人。无论如何总要救些人。”(林前 922




25 The Eternal Crush Of Things

am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.” 1
Corinthians 9:22

A Christian
worker has to learn how to be God’s noble man or woman amid a crowd of ignoble
things. Never make this plea – If only I were somewhere else! All God’s men are
ordinary men made extraordinary by the matter He has given them. Unless we have
the right matter in our minds intellectually and in our hearts affectionately,
we will be hustled out of usefulness to God. We are not workers for God by
choice. Many people deliberately choose to be workers, but they have no matter
in them of God’s almighty grace, no matter of His mighty word. Paul’s whole
heart and mind and soul were taken up with the great matter of what Jesus
Christ came to do, he never lost sight of that one thing. We have to face
ourselves with the one central fact – Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

I have
chosen you.” Keep that note of greatness in your creed. It is not that you have
got God but that He has got you. Here, in this College, God is at work,
bending, breaking, moulding, doing just as He chooses. Why He is doing it, we
do not know; He is doing it for one purpose only – that He may be able to say,
This is My man, My woman. We have to be in God’s hand so that He can plant men
on the Rock as He has planted us.

Never choose
to be a worker, but when God has put His call on you, woe be to you if you turn
to the right hand or to the left. He will do with you what He never did with
you before the call came; He will do with you what He is not doing with other
people. Let Him have His way.

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