10月27日 竭诚为主






27 The Method Of Missions

ye therefore, and teach (disciple) all nations.” Matthew 28:19

Jesus Christ
did not say – Go and save souls (the salvation of souls is the supernatural
work of God), but – “Go and teach,” i.e., disciple, “all nations,” and you
cannot make disciples unless you are a disciple yourself. When the disciples
came back from their first mission they were filled with joy because the devils
were subject to them, and Jesus said – Don’t rejoice in successful service; the
great secret of joy is that you are rightly related to Me. The great essential
of the missionary is that he remains true to the call of God, and realizes that
his one purpose is to disciple men and women to Jesus. There is a passion for
souls that does not spring from God, but from the desire to make converts to
our point of view.

challenge to the missionary does not come on the line that people are difficult
to get saved, that backsliders are difficult to reclaim, that there is a wadge
of callous indifference; but along the line of his own personal relationship to
Jesus Christ. “Believe ye that I am able to do this?” Our Lord puts that
question steadily, it faces us in every individual case we meet. The one great
challenge is – Do I know my Risen Lord? Do I know the power of His indwelling
Spirit? Am I wise enough in God’s sight, and foolish enough according to the
world, to bank on what Jesus Christ has said, or am I abandoning the great
supernatural position, which is the only call for a missionary, viz., boundless
confidence in Christ Jesus? If I take up any other method I depart altogether
from the methods laid down by Our Lord – “All power is given unto Me . . ,
therefore go ye.”

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