7月26日 竭诚为主

726 清洁的账





26 The Account With Purity

Out of the heart proceed . .
.” Matthew 15:18-20

We begin by trusting our ignorance and calling it
innocence, by trusting our innocence and calling it purity; and when we hear
these rugged statements of Our Lord’s, we shrink and say – But I never felt any
of those awful things in my heart. We resent what Jesus Christ reveals. Either
Jesus Christ is the supreme Authority on the human heart, or He is not worth
paying any attention to. Am I prepared to trust His penetration, or do I prefer
to trust my innocent ignorance? If I make conscious innocence the test, I am
likely to come to a place where I find with a shuddering awakening that what
Jesus Christ said is true, and I shall be appalled at the possibility of evil
and wrong in me. As long as I remain under the refuge of innocence I am living
in a fool’s paradise. If I have never been a blackguard, the reason is a
mixture of cowardice and the protection of civilized life; but when I am
undressed before God, I find that Jesus Christ is right in His diagnosis.

The only thing that safeguards is the Redemption of
Jesus Christ. If I will hand myself over to Him, I need never experience the
terrible possibilities that are in my heart. Purity is too deep down for me to
get to naturally: but when the Holy Spirit comes in, He brings into the centre
of my personal life the very Spirit that was manifested in the life of Jesus
Christ, viz., Holy Spirit, which is unsullied purity.

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