9月11日 竭诚为主

911 传道者的弹药






11 Missionary Munitions

If I
then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one
another’s feet.” John 13:14

Ministering as opportunity surrounds us does not
mean selecting our surroundings, it means being very selectly God’s in any
haphazard surroundings which He engineers for us. The characteristics we
manifest in our immediate surroundings are indications of what we will be like
in other surroundings.

The things that Jesus did were of the most menial
and commonplace order, and this is an indication that it takes all God’s power
in me to do the most commonplace things in His way. Can I use a towel as He
did? Towels and dishes and sandals, all the ordinary sordid things of our
lives, reveal more quickly than anything what we are made of. It takes God
Almighty Incarnate in us to do the meanest duty as it ought to be done.

I have given you an example that ye should do as I have done to you.”
Watch the kind of people God brings around you, and you will be humiliated to
find that this is His way of revealing to you the kind of person you have been
to Him. Now, He says, exhibit to that one exactly what I have shown to you.

Oh,” you say, “I will do all that when I get out into the foreign
field.” To talk in this way is like trying to produce the munitions of war in
the trenches – you will be killed while you are doing it.

We have to go the “second mile” with God. Some of
us get played out in the first ten yards, because God compels us to go where we
cannot see the way, and we say – “I will wait till I get nearer the big
crisis.” If we do not do the running steadily in the little ways, we shall do
nothing in the crisis.

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