9月11日 每日经历神


标  题:去!

经  节:所以,你们要去,使万民作我的门徒,奉父、子、圣灵的名给他们施洗。(马太福音廿八章19节)





“Go therefore and make disciples of all the
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19)

Our Master commands us to “go.” We need permission
to stay! The gospel is the account of Jesus’ leaving His Father’s right hand to
go to Calvary. Jesus instructed those who wanted to be His disciples to leave
their homes and their comforts and follow Him. Some insisted that they could
not go yet because they still had to care for elderly parents (Luke 9:59–60).
Others wanted to make sure everything was in order first (Luke 9:61–62). Still
others expressed willingness to follow but wanted to know the details of what they
would be doing (Luke 9:57–58). Jesus never excused those who struggled to
follow Him. He made it clear that to follow Him meant He set the direction and
they were to follow.

We can convince ourselves that Jesus does not
really want us to adjust our lives, pointing to the success we are enjoying
right where we are. Yet Jesus often told His disciples to go elsewhere in spite
of the success they were experiencing. Peter had just pulled in the greatest
catch of fish of his entire career when Jesus invited him to leave everything
(Luke 5:1–11). Philip was enjoying astounding success as an evangelist when the
Holy Spirit instructed him to go to the desert (Acts 8:25–40). Success where we
are can be our greatest hindrance to going where Jesus wants us to be.

If you become too comfortable where you are, you
may resist Christ’s invitation to go elsewhere. Don’t assume that God does not
want you to go in service to Him. He may lead you across the street to share
the gospel with your neighbor or to the other side of the world. Wherever He
leads, be prepared to go.

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